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Cheek Augmentation Surgery in Jackson, MS

What is cheek augmentation surgery? A cheek augmentation procedure can enhance the shape of your cheeks, making them more supple, youthful, and symmetrical. You should consider cheek augmentation surgery if you feel self-conscious about your facial symmetry, want higher cheekbones, or have experienced volume loss in your face due to aging or weight loss. At Runnels & North Outpatient Plastic Surgery Center, Dr. Runnels & Dr. North have extensive experience performing cheek augmentations in Jackson, MS.

Surgeon performing a cheek augmentation procedure for facial enhancement in Jackson, MS

Who Is a Good Candidate for Cheek Augmentation Surgery?

You might be a good candidate for cheek augmentation surgery if you feel self-conscious about your appearance or are unhappy with the symmetry of your face. The decision to undergo a plastic surgery procedure is highly personal, and you should consider all factors and make the decision that feels right for you without pressure from anyone else in your life. The best candidate for cheek augmentation is a patient who:

  • Is physically healthy overall
  • Has reasonable expectations for the outcome of the procedure
  • Can commit to all pre-surgery prep and post-surgery care
  • Is a non-smoker
  • Does not overuse alcohol or use recreational drugs

Choosing the Right Facial Plastic Surgeon

When looking for an experienced, reputable facial plastic surgeon in your area, you should consider:

  • Their level of experience, education, and history of successful outcomes.
  • Their certification and licensure.
  • How well they communicate and whether they answer all of your questions.
  • How friendly and approachable their staff is.
  • Whether their plastic surgery center is clean, modern, comfortable, and private.
  • How well they explain the procedure, including preparation, recovery time, risks, and benefits.
  • Their before and after pictures or portfolio.
  • Patient reviews and testimonials and how well-reviewed they are.

Benefits of Cheek Augmentation

Cheek augmentation can improve your confidence and self-esteem and restore youthfulness to your face. The biggest benefits of cheek augmentation are:

  • A more youthful appearance
  • A more symmetrical and balanced face
  • Highly customizable results
  • Improvement of volume loss due to aging or weight loss
  • Enhanced size and shape of cheeks to correct a flattened side profile
  • Higher cheekbones
  • Can be combined with other plastic surgery procedures, like a rhinoplasty or facelift.

Preparing for Your Cheek Augmentation Procedure

Before undergoing your procedure, we will schedule a comprehensive initial consultation. We will discuss your goals and expectations, past procedures, and health history. We will schedule lab testing and a physical exam. We may prescribe certain medications or suggest that you stop taking some over-the-counter medications or supplements. We will also tell you to stop smoking and avoid alcohol.

Your cheek augmentation surgery will be performed in our modern, state-of-the-art surgery center. You will need someone to drive you here on the day of the surgery and drive you home afterward. We also recommend that you have someone stay with you in your home for at least 24 hours after your procedure. You will need to take at least a week off of work or school to recover.

Cheek Augmentation Recovery Time – What to Expect

Immediately after your procedure, you will still be feeling the effects of the anesthesia. You may feel confused, groggy, nauseated, or dizzy. We will have you remain in our recovery room for at least 45 minutes to an hour, and then you can have your friend or family member drive you home. You will have sutures or tape in place to close your incisions, and you may have bandages on. We recommend you begin taking your pain medication and any other prescriptions immediately. You will be given specific post-surgery instructions to follow, and you can call us if you have any questions or concerns as you recover. Most people experience swelling and minor pain or tenderness for several weeks. We will have you come back in after a week to check your progress.

Cheek Augmentation Frequently Asked Questions

During your initial consultation with Dr. Runnels or Dr. North, we will review what to expect during and after your procedure and how to prepare. We will also answer any questions you have about your cheek augmentation procedure. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about cheek augmentation.

The length of your procedure depends on the technique we use and the extent of the procedure. In general, cheek augmentation surgery takes one or two hours.

Your recovery period depends on your age, overall health, the extent of your procedure, and how carefully you follow post-surgery instructions. Most people recover within a few weeks, with the majority of recovery happening in the first week.

It is very unlikely that you would experience scarring after a cheek augmentation procedure

Dr. Runnels and Dr. North have extensive experience creating natural-looking cheek augmentations that look great as you age.

At Runnels & North Outpatient Plastic Surgery Center, cheek augmentation is performed with facial fat grafting or fillers.

Schedule a Consultation for a Cheek Augmentation

Undergoing a cheek augmentation procedure can enhance your natural beauty and help you regain your confidence and self-esteem. At Runnels & North Outpatient Plastic Surgery Center, each member of our team works together to help you understand your cosmetic surgery options. Our goal is to help you unlock your hidden potential and reach your beauty goals so that you can feel more comfortable in your own skin. Call us or contact us online to schedule a consultation with Dr. Runnels or Dr. North for a cheek augmentation in Jackson, MS.

Get Outstanding Plastic Surgery in the Jackson, MS Area!