Breast Implant Removal in Jackson, MS
What Is Breast Implant Removal?
Breast implant removal surgery is a surgery to remove your breast implants. It is very similar to the surgery to place your breast implants. You might consider breast implant removal if you want to return to your pre-surgery appearance, if you have developed scar tissue around your implants, or if you are experiencing other implant-related complications. At Runnels & North Outpatient Plastic Surgery Center, Dr. Runnels, Dr. North, and our team can complete a full physical examination and evaluation to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure, or if the procedure is necessary based on your condition. Call us today to schedule a consultation for breast implant removal in Jackson, MS.

Who Should Consider Breast Implant Removal Surgery?
Breast implants are not designed to last for the patient’s entire life. They are typically expected to last around 10-15 years when they must be removed and replaced. There are also other reasons that you might consider removing your breast implants. If they no longer serve their initial purpose, if you have aged and don’t feel like they look right in proportion to your body anymore, if they are causing complications or health concerns, if you plan on breastfeeding, or if you have experienced extreme changes in your weight, you might consider breast implant removal surgery. Dr. Runnels or Dr. North may also recommend breast implant removal if you are developing calcium buildup around the implant, if the implants are leaking or shifting, or if you have breast cancer or another type of cancer.
The Breast Implant Removal Surgery Process
We usually perform breast implant removal surgery as an outpatient procedure at our surgery center. Still, the procedure may be more complex in some cases, and we would have to perform it in a hospital. Before the procedure, we will give you general anesthesia. We will then make an incision around your areolas or underneath your breasts to remove the breast implants and any scar tissue. We can place new breast implants at that time if you are getting new breast implants. We will then close the incisions with stitches.
What to Expect After Breast Implant Removal
After breast implant removal surgery, you will need someone to drive you home. If the surgery was performed in a hospital rather than our outpatient surgery center, you may stay overnight for observation. You may need to wear a compression bra for three or four weeks, and you will need to return to have drainage tubes removed in three to ten days. You must avoid strenuous activities, exercise, and driving for one- or two-weeks post-surgery. You may feel sore for one or two months after the procedure.

Breast Implant Removal Recovery and Risks
Like any other surgical procedure, breast implant removal surgery carries risks. You risk scarring, infection, bleeding, blood clots, hematoma or seroma, numbness in the nipples, asymmetry or unfavorable results, and poor healing. Dr. Runnels and Dr. North have extensive experience performing breast removal procedures and will ensure you understand the risks and what to expect during recovery. We do everything we can to mitigate risk and ensure a favorable outcome to your procedure. Most people believe the benefits of breast implant removal outweigh the risks, particularly if the implants are removed for health reasons.
What Happens When Breast Implants Are Removed and Not Replaced?
If we remove your breast implants and don’t replace them with new ones, your breasts may sag or look misshapen. We can schedule a breast lift or breast reconstruction surgery alongside your breast implant removal to reshape your breasts. This will ensure you are happy with your appearance after removing your breast implants.
Benefits of Breast Implant Removal
Breast implant removal surgery can help you avoid risks or complications associated with aging implants. The procedure can also make mammogram results clearer. If you are getting your breast implants removed because they no longer fit your age, self-image, or lifestyle, you may experience increased confidence or a boost to your self-esteem. If you get new breast implants placed after your old ones are removed, you may notice your breasts look more natural and perkier with your new implants.
Schedule a Consultation for Breast Implant Removal
If you’re considering breast implant removal in Jackson, MS, call us today or contact us online to schedule a consultation. Dr. Runnels, Dr. North, and our team of experienced specialists will fully evaluate your health, appearance, and concerns to determine if we recommend breast implant removal. We can answer any questions you have and show you breast implant removal before and after photos to help you understand the procedure’s results and make your decision.