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Lower Body Lift Surgery in Jackson, MS

A lower body lift, also called a belt lipectomy, can give you a smoother and more toned appearance. It is a surgical procedure performed around the beltline that removes sagging skin from the lower abdomen and buttocks. If you have been dieting and exercising to lose weight and still have stubborn areas of fat, or if you have sagging skin from extreme or rapid weight loss, you could benefit from a lower body lift. At Runnels and North Outpatient Plastic Surgery, Dr. Runnels, Dr. North, and our surgical team have extensive experience performing lower body lifts in Jackson, MS. Call us to schedule a consultation or learn more about the benefits from lifting the lower body.

Lower Body Lift Specialist in Jackson, MS

What Is a Lower Body Lift?

A lower body lift is a surgical procedure during which Dr. Runnels or Dr. North removes loose skin and fat from the waist and butt area. This procedure lifts your skin and makes it appear more taut or toned, as well as smoother and firmer. A lower body lift is similar to a tummy tuck in that both procedures remove excess skin that has not responded to diet and exercise and tighten muscles to achieve a toned appearance. A tummy tuck only focuses on the front abdominal area, however. A lower body lift focuses on the 360-degree area around your midsection, tightening your lower abdominal area and buttocks.

What are the Benefits from Lifting the Lower Body?

Many people who lose weight rapidly or lose a large amount of weight end up having loose, sagging skin around their midsection. Getting a lower body lift will get rid of that excess skin and smooth, tone, and tighten the abdomen and buttocks so that you achieve the results you desire. The biggest benefits of lifting the lower body are:a

  • Improved confidence and self-esteem.
  • A more youthful appearance.
  • Reaching your body and weight loss goals.
  • The best way to get rid of loose, sagging excess skin that did not respond to weight loss.
  • Target areas that did not respond to diet and exercise.
  • Feel more comfortable in your clothes.
  • Enjoy the freedom of wearing a wider variety of types of clothing.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for a Lower Body Lift?

Dr. Runnels or Dr. North will need to determine that you are a good candidate for a lower body lift before scheduling your procedure. They will evaluate your overall health, discuss your needs and goals, consider your lifestyle, and evaluate your concerns and expectations for the procedure. The ideal candidates for a lower body lift are patients who:

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Are healthy overall.
  • Have lost weight through diet and exercise.
  • Have loose skin along their waistline and butt area.
  • Are maintaining a stable weight.
  • Have realistic expectations about the surgical recovery period and surgery outcome.
  • Can commit to maintaining their diet and exercise routine once they are healed from surgery.
  • Are willing to quit smoking.
  • Don’t have a history of heart disease, diabetes, clotting disorders, or pulmonary or respiratory problems.

How Is a Lower Body Lift Surgery Performed?

Before surgery, Dr. Runnels or Dr. North will meet with you to discuss the procedure in detail and tell you what to expect before, during, and after your procedure. They will give you instructions for preparing for surgery and may recommend that you start or stop certain medications. On the day of your surgery, you will have someone drive you to our surgery center or the hospital. You should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and arrive free of makeup, deodorant, jewelry, contact lenses, nail polish, and lotions. They will mark the surgical incision area and administer general anesthesia. The surgeon will make an incision around your entire torso. They will then remove excess skin and fat, tighten certain muscles, and reposition tissue. They may place surgical drains. They will then close the incisions and apply a dressing.

What Is the Lower Body Lift Recovery Process?

After your surgery, you will recover for several hours in the recovery area. The procedure is an outpatient procedure, so if there are no complications, you can have someone drive you home. You will have bandages that protect your incision site. We will give you instructions for caring for your incision and tell you if you need to come back to have drains or sutures removed. You should maintain a healthy diet, avoid alcohol and tobacco, and get plenty of rest. You should not exercise or do any heavy lifting for at least six weeks and avoid swimming pools, baths, and hot tubs. You will immediately notice that you look slimmer but will experience bruising and swelling for a few weeks.

Ready to Schedule Your Lower Body Lift in Jackson, MS?

Are you ready to find out if you are a good candidate for a lower body lift in Jackson, MS? Call us today or contact us online, and our team at Runnels and North Outpatient Surgery Center can answer any questions. We can schedule an initial consultation to evaluate your health, lifestyle, needs, goals, and expectations. If you are a good candidate, we will schedule the procedure for you.

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