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We offer the following body treatments
  • Laser Genesis – Non-invasive laser technology that restores your skin’s youthful glow and healthy complexion.
  • Tummy Tuck (Full or Mini) – Removes excess fat or skin and tightens the abdominal muscles.
  • Laser Vein Removal – Treats leg and facial veins safely and effectively with minimal discomfort.
  • Pearl Fractional – In just one treatment, it improves aging skin.
  • Lower Body Lift (Inner and Outer Thigh and Buttock) – Tones and shapes the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, and breasts.
  • Liposuction or Liposculpture – Removes unwanted deposits of fat from under the skin.
  • Hair Removal – Quickly, safely, and permanently removes hair from several parts of the body.

Restore Your Youthful Body at Runnels & North

With help from our highly-trained and experienced surgeons and cosmetic specialists, you can restore your physique to the beautiful condition of your ideal youth. Runnels and North Outpatient Plastic Surgery Center’s comprehensive collection of surgical and non-invasive procedures can help you reverse the impact of excessive fat deposits, unwanted hair growth, and the ravages of time. Our priority is to restore your happiness with yourself, which means we take your safety and wellbeing into account when consulting you on the appropriate procedures for your cosmetic issues. Give us a call today to speak with our team of exceptional cosmetic care professionals.

Get Outstanding Plastic Surgery in the Jackson, MS Area!