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Rhinoplasty Procedures in Jackson, MS

If you are unhappy with the size, shape, or overall appearance of your nose, you have likely considered getting a nose job at some point in your life. A nose job, or rhinoplasty surgery, is the most effective way to achieve your desired nose shape. However, the decision to undergo rhinoplasty is highly personal and should not be made without careful thought and consideration. At Runnels and North Outpatient Plastic Surgery Center, Dr. Runnels and Dr. North have decades of experience performing successful rhinoplasty procedures. They are dedicated to helping patients achieve their beauty goals and transform their lives by enhancing their natural beauty, confidence, and self-esteem. Call with any questions or to schedule a consultation to discuss getting a nose rhinoplasty in Jackson, MS.

Rhinoplasty Treatment in Jackson, MS

What Is a Rhinoplasty?

A rhinoplasty, also called a nose job, is a very common type of aesthetic facial surgery. The purpose of rhinoplasty procedures is to enhance or alter the nose’s size, shape, and overall appearance. A rhinoplasty may also be recommended to correct medical problems like a broken nose or deviated septum. You should only undergo rhinoplasty with an experienced, licensed cosmetic surgeon. You might be a good candidate for a rhinoplasty if the appearance of your nose is affecting your self-esteem, if you have a medical condition or congenital abnormality like a deviated septum, if you have a broken nose, or if you can’t breathe properly due to an issue with your nose. You must also be in good general health overall, not smoke, and have reasonable expectations for the procedure.

What Are the Benefits of Rhinoplasty?

Undergoing a rhinoplasty procedure can greatly increase your confidence and self-esteem. The surgery can also improve your health and breathing. The biggest benefits of rhinoplasty surgery are:

  • Improved confidence and self-esteem.
  • Improved size, shape, and overall appearance of the nose.
  • Correction of a deviated septum, broken nose, or congenital abnormalities.
  • Eliminated or diminished bumps or other imperfections on the nose.
  • A smaller nose.
  • A nose that isn’t upturned, hooked, droopy, or bulbous.
  • Nostrils that are smaller or more evenly shaped.
  • A bigger nose.

What Is a Rhinoplasty Procedure Like?

There are two primary types of rhinoplasty procedures: open and closed. Dr. Runnels and Dr. North will determine which type is right for you:

  • Open Rhinoplasty—An open rhinoplasty is a major nose-reshaping surgery. Your surgeon will make multiple incisions to separate the skin from the bone and cartilage.
  • Closed Rhinoplasty – A closed rhinoplasty is a minor nose reshaping surgery. Your surgeon will make an internal incision to separate the skin from the bone and cartilage and reshape the nose.

Before we schedule your surgery, you will have a consultation with Dr. Runnels or Dr. North and our team. We will discuss your goals and expectations, review your overall health, review your lifestyle and needs, and ensure you are a good candidate for the procedure. We will go over the details of the procedure from start to finish so that you know what to expect. We will give you specific instructions for preparing for a rhinoplasty procedure. On the day of the surgery, you must have someone drive you to our surgery center or the hospital. You should wear comfortable clothes and not wear makeup, lotion, deodorant, jewelry, contact lenses, or nail polish. The surgery is an outpatient procedure, and you will be under general anesthesia. The surgery may take between 1-5 hours, after which you will recover in our recovery suite for 1-3 hours. You can then be driven home. You will be wearing a plastic splint to minimize swelling, and you may have bandages on. You should keep the splint on for 1-2 weeks. Your nose will be packed with gauze, which should stay in place for 24-48 hours.

What Is the Rhinoplasty Recovery Time?

After a rhinoplasty, you will experience swelling and bruising that may last 1-3 months. Most people don’t see their final results until about a year after their rhinoplasty surgery. You may still have minimal swelling, especially in the morning, for a year after your surgery. Every person heals differently, however, and your results will depend on a number of factors that your surgeon will explain before the procedure.

Why Choose Runnels and North Outpatient Plastic Surgery Center

If you’re ready to find out if you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty in Jackson, MS, visit us at Runnels and North Plastic Surgery Center. Dr. Runnels and Dr. North will assess your health and lifestyle, review your concerns and beauty goals, and determine if you are a good candidate for cosmetic or aesthetic surgery. Call us today or contact us online to get started.

Schedule a Consultation for Rhinoplasty

After a rhinoplasty, you will experience swelling and bruising that may last 1-3 months. Most people don’t see their final results until about a year after their rhinoplasty surgery. You may still have minimal swelling, especially in the morning, for a year after your surgery. Every person heals differently, however, and your results will depend on a number of factors that your surgeon will explain before the procedure.

Get Outstanding Plastic Surgery in the Jackson, MS Area!